
Memro can do many things

Once the data has been entered it can be accessed by anyone in the business. As long as you have a login then you can access information at a click of a button.

With each project having the ability to its unique Analysis and Operation codes, the information and reviews are tailored to suit each scheme. This provides the needed unique analysis for every project and allows it to grow as needed. Works can be defined by geographic (chainage or area), by activity ( earthworks, drainage) or however the WBS requires.

The reports have been designed to track change, monitor operations, and understand the impact of change/issues on site. Along with the ability to refine the searches by work type and codes, there is the ability to produce detailed resource analysis in seconds rather than hours of searching for records.

The system provides the ability to review internal costs (cost or tender allowance- you decide) and the external or charge costs. On any Target Cost project, this saves time and effort in producing applications. With the BOQ function in the QS bolt-on you can produce information to support the measured works.

The system provides solutions for all the team, PM, QS, Planner, Finance as it has information that can be used by everyone. The system saves time by running numerous analytics, and the dashboard provides a visible health check for offsite senior staff. The system will save time and provide key support and evidence in the management of the project.